We stand up for what’s right and try to make sure everyone’s voice is heard when it comes to online safety.
We are asked to be part of important discussions about online safety, leveraging our trusted brand to reach decision makers. We share our ideas, research and data insights to help make online spaces better and safer for everyone.
Some of our advocacy and thought leadership is achieved in the course of our operational work:

Your Voice Matters: We believe that you should have a say on online safety. With your help, we can lead the way and make sure the government and industry hear what we need for a safer online world. If you’d like to meaningfully contribute to the online safety conversation, you could consider becoming a Netsafe member(/netsafe/become-a-member).
Netsafe responds to public consultations and advocate on issues relevant to our work in other ways too. You can read the archives of some of our recent public submissions below:
The National-led coalition government of 2023 saw new ministers appointed and a new policy agenda was prioritised. We provided briefings to incoming ministers on topics of relevance across online safety matters. You can read all of our briefings below: