Family Toolkit Resource 1 of 3
What is Snapchat?
Find out how Snapchat works, learn about safeguards in place for your teens, and explore how to set up Family Centre.
Our Snapchat Family Toolkit is your ultimate guide to navigating Snapchat safely. Designed with whānau and teens in mind, these three resources help you discover essential features like privacy settings, safe communication tips, and family safety controls. A collaboration between Snapchat and Netsafe New Zealand, for safer online spaces.
Family Toolkit Resource 1 of 3
Find out how Snapchat works, learn about safeguards in place for your teens, and explore how to set up Family Centre.
Family Toolkit Resource 2 of 3
This micro-learning is for parents with teens active on Snapchat, or determined to join. Learn about Snapchat settings and behaviours to inform your online safety conversations and help you keep your rangatahi safer on Snapchat.
Read the summary PDF: Rangatahi Discussion Guide: A Safer Snapchat Account.(https://cdn.sanity.io/files/8y8wsx0z/production/5188582cb0631095e31a45f77063b06f8c3cb713.pdf)
Family Toolkit Resource 3 of 3
A five-step Snapchat action plan to help your rangatahi and wider whānau know what to do if something goes wrong online. Review how to gather digital evidence, Snapchat confidential reporting, and how Netsafe can help.