Porn week
Online safety and porn
To learn more about online safety and porn you can visit Netsafe's dedicated porn site.
Advice and guidance for how to access pornography safely online and the difference between legal and illegal content.
Porn week
To learn more about online safety and porn you can visit Netsafe's dedicated porn site.
Last Updated30/07/2024
The internet has made it incredibly easy to access pornography and other adult content online. This has resulted in an increase in porn scams across the internet.
Discussions about the specifics of one's online activities, like viewing pornography, can be uncomfortable and many people prefer to keep these details private.
You can contact Netsafe seven days a week for free, confidential and non-judgmental advice about an online issue impacting you or someone you know.
If you'd like to talk to someone specifically about pornography or sexually harmful thoughts or behaviour you can contact:
The Light Project (https://thelightproject.co.nz/need-help/i-need-help/)
Safe To Talk(https://www.safetotalk.nz/)
Not all pornographic material available online is safe or legal.
Certain extreme types of sexual content are classified as 'objectionable material' under New Zealand law, making it illegal to possess or view such content.
Exploitation considerations: There is a significant concern about exploitation in pornography. It can be challenging to verify if all individuals in pornographic content consented to its release or were compensated fairly, given how easily content can be reposted online.
To report illegal sexual content or objectionable material:
Although reputable pornographic websites strive to protect their reputation, your device could still be at risk from malware, especially when searching for adult content.
Pornography safety measures include:
It’s crucial to remain cautious and composed when consuming pornography. As users may exercise poor judgment under excitement, it's essential to heed warnings from your computer or browser about potential risks.
You can contact Netsafe seven days a week for free, confidential and non-judgmental advice about an online issue impacting you or someone you know.